ADA Regulations


  • Signage indicating permanent rooms or space must have Braille
  • Grade 2 & Dome shape
  • Shall be a direct translation and located below the copy
  • For multiple lines of copy, Braille shall not be located below entire text
  • Shall be lower case except fo proper nouns, individual letters, names, or acronyms
  • Directional and informational signage does not require Braille

Finish & Contrast

  • Signs shall have a “Non-Glare” finish
  • Textured backgrounds shall be kept to a minimum as to not affect legibility
  • Braille does not need to contrast with its background
  • Signs intended to be read by touch shall not have sharp or abrassive edges

Title 24 California 

Men – 12″ equilateral triangle

Women – 12″ diameter circle

Unisex – Triangle on 12″ circle

  • 1/4″ thick
  • Does not take the place of required tactile ADA sign
  • Mounted on door 60″ from centerline to finish floor (Fig. 2)


  • Signs may not protrude more than 4″ from a wall (Fig. 1)
  • Flag-mounted signs & over-head signs must be mounted a minimum of 80″ from the finished floor (Fig. 1)
  • Vertical placemetn based on tactile characters location:
    • Minimum: Baseline of lowest character must be 48″ above the finish floor
    • Maximum” Baseline of highest character must not extend past 60″ above the finished floor (Fig. 2)
  • Tactile signs shall be located at the latch side of the door, to the right of double doors.  If no space is available at the latch side of the door, or to the right of double doors, the signs shall be placed on the nearest adjacent wall if no other space.
  • There must be a clear floor space of 18″ x 18″ minimum, centered on the tactile characters.  This space should not be intersected by the arc of any door swing between the closed position and 45 degrees open position. (Fig, 3)


  • ADA 5/8″ minimum – 2″ maximum height
  • Tactile – Raised 1/32″ minimum
  • Located directly below pictogram, when applicable
  • Line spacing shall be between 135% – 170% the height of the copy
  • Characters shall contrast as much as possible with their background

Font Restrictions

  • San Serif
  • 15% maximum stroke width to letter height ratio
  • Must NOT be:


  • ADA 6″ minimum unobstructed vertical Pictogram field
  • ADA 3/8″ minimum distance between copy and raised elements
  • PRODUCTION 0.405″ minimum distance between Braille & any other raised elements

Americans for Disability Act – Video Guidelines